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More Money for Pell Grants, Research

Federal budget boosts maximum Pell Grant and funding for student success grant programs. Colleges and universities also are set to receive more than $1.5 billion for projects in earmarks.

Not Business as Usual

Elsevier report on the pandemic-era research environment describes confidence gaps between scientists and the public—but also potential for increased engagement in science.

Not Just Chips

The CHIPS and Science Act, signed into law last month, provides broad opportunities for higher education, Jeremy Greenwald Wolos and Steven C. Currall write.

Backlash to Dr. Leana Wen Talk on Backlash

Members object to American Public Health Association’s speaker invite to Dr. Leana Wen, revealing deep divisions in the field over the COVID-19 response.

A Retreat From China Collaborations in the Face of U.S. Scrutiny

About half of Chinese scientists at U.S. universities report concerns about being surveilled by the U.S. government. Survey finds evidence that fears about a China-focused Department of Justice initiative to combat trade-secret theft may be harming American science.

Senators Question Science Nominee on Past Mistakes

Eric Lander, who was nominated to lead the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, faced tough questions from senators about sexism and his ties to Jeffrey Epstein during his confirmation hearing.

COVID-19 and Beyond: Solutions for Academic Mothers

After reading paper after paper describing the problem, scientists urge on- and off-campus entities to help female caregivers weather the pandemic through specific policy changes and approaches.

COVID-19: A Moment for Women in STEM?

National Academy of Sciences panel chronicles what COVID-19 has been like for female scientists and then urges institutions to take meaningful, equity-minded action on their findings.