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Another Push for Debit Card Rules

Department of Education’s inspector general joins other federal investigators in calling for stricter rules on campus debit cards, as the agency contemplates new regulations on the products.

Cash Is Still King

The impact of rising costs in a post-recession economy on the concerns and decisions of incoming freshmen is stronger than ever, an annual survey shows.

The 2015 Budget, Real and Illusory

President Obama's 2015 budget request would keep most student aid and research programs level-funded, and includes several ambitious new higher education proposals -- but is probably dead on arrival.

Proxy War on For-Profits

With the release of the final gainful employment proposal looming, for-profits and their critics duke it out in the commentary section of The New York Times.

Tax Breaks for Students

President Obama will seek to make a tuition tax credit permanent and exempt student loan debt forgiveness from taxation.


Consumer protection bureau's first action against a for-profit college signals how aggressively the watchdog agency plans to use its enforcement powers in the industry.

The Tax Bill Cometh

House Republicans' vision for tax reform would consolidate tuition tax breaks into a single, more refundable credit -- but end benefits for student borrowers, repeal deduction for those who purchase football tickets, and tax the cherished tuition remission for college employees.

Risk Management

The U.S. Education Department must do more to prevent financial aid fraud in distance education, a federal audit says.