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Crucifixes in the Classroom

Boston College adds Catholic imagery to all teaching spaces -- to the consternation of some professors.

Using Quaker Principles to Budget in Tough Times

Although not a member of the faith, Kent John Chabotar finds the role of silence and respect for minority opinions to be relevant in navigating college finances during the worldwide economic crisis.

A Core With a Catholic Twist

Seton Hall's new curriculum entails signature courses tied to the institution's religious mission, plus a deliberate focus on "proficiencies" across the disciplines.

Schooling Faculty in Catholic Higher Ed

In Marquette U. seminar, pre-tenure professors study the content and context of their institution's Jesuit mission.

Christian Colleges Grow More Diverse

Analysis finds increasing black enrollments at Protestant colleges -- with some obtaining incredible increases.

U.S. Court Rejects 'Pervasively Sectarian' Test

In a major victory for religious colleges, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday that Colorado may not distinguish between sectarian...

'Theology in Life'

Benedictine University’s new “Theology of Love” class will cover areas of moral theology, yes (issues of sexual and social ethics)...

What Would Jesus Do (in College)?

Some Christian and Catholic colleges want to identify themselves as explicitly progressive, on their own terms -- and to make clear that the religious right in higher ed doesn't speak for them.