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Caltech Grad Students, Postdocs Vote to Unionize

Graduate student workers and postdoctoral scholars at California Institute of Technology have voted to unionize in two separate bargaining units...

Doxing Truck Targets Boulder Faculty Members

Accuracy in Media, the group behind what it calls infamous mobile billboards and what others call doxing trucks, has now...
A photograph of someone holding a small clock.

Tenure Extensions Were Popular Amid the Pandemic. That May Not Be Good.

Colleges gave tenure candidates more time due to COVID-19. Women, who may be more likely to fall behind due to extensions, reported more disruption to their research than men.

Washington State U Student Workers Strike, Get Deal

A union representing Washington State University student academic employees announced Wednesday—on the first day of its strike—that it had reached...

Louisiana Lawmaker Requests Info on Foreign Faculty Members

A Louisiana state legislator asked his state for information on faculty members at Louisiana public institutions who hold green cards...
Photo of Boston University skyline

The Case for a More Strategic Financial Management System

Robert A. Brown makes a case for a centralized financial management system.

A photo illustration including four photographs, each of striking employees holding up signs saying things such as "We R On Strike For a Better Rutgers” and “UIC Faculty On Strike for a Fair Contract.”

The Boom in Campus Strikes Is Likely to Continue in 2024. Just Look at California.

From the University of California in late 2022 to Rutgers, Temple, the University of Michigan and now Cal State, the strike wave on campuses isn’t ending.