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Mending Fences

University press directors bemoan ruling in Georgia State copyright case, discuss how to make up with librarians and curb unlicensed copying outside the courts.

Affection for PDA

How could the rise of patron-driven acquisition at academic libraries affect the university presses that rely on librarians to buy unpopular monographs?

More Readers for the Senior Thesis

New Huffington Post feature allows students to post a summary of their work without forfeiting the copyright. Students say it's a way to draw attention to oft-overlooked research.

Improving Research Skills

Undergraduates might not be great at research, but study suggests that the information literacy of first-generation students does improve over time.


Despite its volume, 350-page court ruling in landmark case on fair use left many questions unanswered.

Smaller Servings for Libraries

Decades of Education Department data show universities allocating less money to libraries as overall spending has ballooned.

New Seal of Approval

Digital humanities advocates look to hammer out a publishing platform to help institutions apply traditional peer review mechanisms to nontraditional research.

Open Access and Interventionism

White House solicitation about the government's role in making federally funded research available to the public rekindles debate over open access.