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Beyond eBooks

With the transition to electronic resources "nearly completed," university libraries turn their attention to student support, a new survey finds.

Saving the Library

When library services were at risk due to budget cuts, faculty at the U. of California at Berkeley found the money to save them.

No More Double-Spending

In an effort to reduce the hundreds of thousands of dollars students spend each year on course material to which they have free access, colleges are looking to technology and internal cooperation.

'Could Have Done More'

Six months after Aaron Swartz's suicide, report says MIT acted appropriately but missed opportunity to be leader on key legal and technology issues. Critics call it a whitewashing.

Digital Public Library of America

Making books, artwork, and historical documents of all kinds universally available for free is a great ambition. Scott McLemee thinks the job will require a little more, though.

Librarians and Lawyers

A second librarian's blog becomes the target of a potential lawsuit from a disgruntled publisher.

Unwelcome Intervention?

Supporters of university libraries are worried by the Justice Department's unexpected interest in filing a brief in the battle over e-reserves.

Journal Archive Opens Up (Some)

After a successful pilot, JSTOR is launching its Register & Read program, which lets anyone read up to three articles from 1,200 of its journals every two weeks in exchange for demographic information.