Where Do Students Vote—and Why?

Convenience may be the biggest driver in guiding college students on where to cast their ballots, but for many politics also plays a significant role.

British Academics Despair as ChatGPT-Written Essays Swamp Grading Season

‘It’s not a machine for cheating; it’s a machine for producing crap,’ says one professor infuriated by the rise of bland essays.

How First-Gen Mexican American Students Define Success

A recent report asks first-generation college students who are Mexican American to define what educational attainment means for them and what helps them achieve success.

Quick Takes



Better Speech Policies Start With Campus Buy-In

To prepare for the next speech crisis, colleges should seek campuswide consensus on institutional values, Karl K. Schonberg writes.

Do Law Review Editors Have Academic Freedom?

Tom Ginsburg and Aziz Z. Huq argue that they do.


Overcoming Public Resistance to the Avant-Garde

Why the public shuns the avant-garde and what to do about it.

Leaning Into Credit for Prior Learning

Building an ecosystem that recognizes and values the diverse experiences and knowledge of learners.

Career Advice


Our students have been drifting away, Helen Kapstein writes, but we want them to drift back to the mindset of being challenged and challenging.

In Praise of Lunch

Amid the stress and clutter of our daily lives, and the divisions straining our politics and culture, we need sustained social engagement, Peter J. Dougherty writes.


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