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Cornering the Marketplace of Ideas

There was an interesting story in the New York Times Magazine this past Sunday on a simple, inexpensive, and effective...

Markets and Missions

Okay, I know it's a naive question, but why did universities decide that their presses should be profit centers, or...

Dear JSTOR: What Went Wrong?

Before I say anything else, I want to praise you for responding so quickly to concerns raised by librarians about...

Open to Change: How Open Access Can Work

Last week, when I challenged readers to think about how to make open access happen, Jason Baird Jackson had a...

Open Access and the Library's Missing Mission

Dorothea Salo has an interesting post at the Book of Trogool. She wonders about the mission of academic libraries, and...

Some of These Things Are Not Like the Others

Librarians have a love/hate relationship with Google. We are just as prone as any mortal to wonder what on earth...

The Shock of Exclusion

Ever since I read an essay, " The Shock of Inclusion" by Clay Shirky in Edge, I've been pondering the...

Information Ethics, Blogging, and the Non-Fiction Novel

I just had to do some housecleaning among my RSS feeds. Some of my favorite blogs had moved from Scienceblogs...