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Anxiety, Anticipation and Preparation for AI in Higher Ed

In the whirlwind of developments regarding AI, we must move from anxiety to anticipation and preparation for what the future portends.

Preparing for the Unanticipated: AI Applications in Higher Education

Generative AI (GenAI) has emerged and is developing far more rapidly than expected. How should universities prepare for the impact that may not be anticipated?<

Generative AI: Your Assistant as an Administrator or Faculty Member

Generative AI is quickly becoming a daily fixture in the lives of administrators and faculty. It enhances productivity, creativity and perspectives.

Aligning the Curriculum to Reality in AI-Accelerated Times

Curricula are reassessed as rarely as every five years. AI demands we do a deep review right now and repeat it often.

While We Were Watching ChatGPT, Something Else Astounding Emerged

The acceleration of digital innovation continues in multiple formats. Astoundingly so!

The Innovation Continuum: Planning for What Is Next

It is human nature to experience a new technology and think that’s the ultimate version of such technologies.

Preparing Students for the AI-Enhanced Workforce

Our graduating and certificate-completing students need documented generative AI skills, and they need them now.

Supporting the Faculty Member Fearing Generative AI

The advent of generative AI has hit higher education with the force of an earthquake, deeply shaking many faculty members who have serious concerns for their careers.