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Intentional Conferencing

Conference coming up? Mandi Stewart offers tips for making the most of it.

Managing Your Academic Career

Aimee LaPointe Terosky shares three key strategies.

The Worst That Can Happen

William Bradley explains how he found perspective on the tough academic job market.

9 to 5

It's possible to be a successful academic without working more than 40 hours a week, writes Trish Roberts-Miller.

Starting Over, Part 2

Changing jobs can stress out a professor. Cathy Day has done it four times, and offers advice on adjusting to a new college.

Starting Over, Part 1

Changing jobs can stress out a professor. Cathy Day has done it four times, and offers advice on adjusting to a new college.

Tenure at Small Colleges

At liberal arts institutions, writes Alan Hughes, teaching and community are crucial to your tenure bid.

Do the Job You Were Hired to Do

When it comes to earning tenure, you need to forget all the fights about who is responsible for higher education's problems and focus on one simple piece of advice, writes Chuck Rybak.