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Woman sitting at beach working on computer with several books beside her

The Summer Break That Isn’t

Faculty need to be able to use the time in ways they can return rested and renewed in the fall, but that often doesn’t happen, writes Susannah M. Givens.

Woman showing chemistry students in a lab how to use a piece of equipment

A Leadership Position We Aren’t Prepared For

Faculty members who run a lab have a research job and a leadership job, but they are often only trained for one of those, Jen Heemstra writes.

Women wearing mask holds baby in front of a backdrop of COVID illustrations

2 Factors Challenging Faculty’s Sense of Inclusion

Pandemic-related caregiving burdens and health concerns have played a particularly large role, write Shuyin Liu, Dessie Clark, Laurel Smith-Doerr and Joya Misra.



Four diverse people standing a crossroads holding briefcases and looking in different directions

COVID’s Lasting Impacts on Faculty Inclusion

Think the pandemic is well behind us? Survey data shows feelings of inclusion have continued dropping as a result of it, write Laurel Smith-Doerr, Joya Misra, Shuyin Liu and Dessie Clark.

Young woman sits in library writing at a computer

Write a Book, No Matter What

As an early academic, it will not only help you create a scholarly identity and enrich your teaching, but it will also allow you to shape the career you want, writes En Li.

Blank to-do list on aqua background with an orange flower on the side

In Praise of Ditching the Summer To-Do List

Melissa Nicolas describes how giving up her guilt about not checking things off such a list has helped her actually have a very productive summer.

Woman sits on grass typing into a computer with a satchel and a paper cup of coffee on either side

3 Ways to Improve Your Summer Writing Practice

Erin Marie Furtak has found that asking herself three questions has helped her transition not just out of the academic year but also back into the fall term.

Robot gesture to student writing paper as if teaching them

Do Teachers Fetishize Technology?

Whether or not we believe in techno-progress, we are incentivized to constantly develop pedagogies involving new technologies, writes Adam Szetela.