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Our Bookshelves, Ourselves
We get lots of advice when we retire, writes Robert Franciosi, but no one ever addresses the elephant in the room for some aging professors: What to do with all the books?
Fostering Collaboration in Science
They’ve become increasingly important to science, but we don’t discuss our challenges with data, and academic culture can push us to work out problems alone, says Julia Stewart Lowndes.
Standing on One Foot in Higher Ed
As we experience disengagement, anxiety and disconnectedness, routine practices can be a powerful antidote, writes Constanza Bartholomae.
Lessons in Public Scholarship
Public-facing work shouldn't just be an add-on to scholarly work but also an integral aspect of our jobs as researchers, writers and teachers, writes Christopher Schaberg.
Navigating the Hidden Curriculum Part II
Aurora Washington and Rebekah Layton explore social identity, peer relationships, self-advocacy and accessing resources—in hopes of providing context and support for those just now encountering these parts of the hidden curriculum.
Who Can Teach Ethnic Studies Revisited
Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo further explores its genesis and history, which she divides into three parts.
Surviving in a Small Department
Matthew J. Wright describes some of the challenges as well as the benefits.
Bridging Disciplinary Divides
Brian R. Clack, a philosophy professor, and Beth O’Shea, a geology professor, share lessons they discovered firsthand about the transformative power of an immersive, team-taught course.
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