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A majority of financial aid officers reported increases of 10 percent or more in the numbers of students applying for financial aid and receiving Pell Grants at their institutions, according to a survey released Wednesday by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. Numbers were up pretty much across the board in the survey of nearly 500 aid officers: Sixty-one percent said aid applications were up by at least 10 percent over 2008-9, 63 percent said Pell Grant recipients had risen by 10 percent or more, and 65 percent said they had increased the number of students for whom they used "professional judgment" to reassess financial aid packages because of altered financial circumstances. Even so, more than half said they had at least 10 percent more students than they did last year who still had unmet financial need after receiving federal and state college assistance -- and 55 percent said they were awarding more institutional aid to fill the gap.