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Baylor University President Ken Starr late Friday announced that he has received an investigation he asked a law professor to perform on the university's handling of sexual assault accusations against a football player. The university asked the law professor to investigate after an article in Texas Monthly alleged that the university may have known that the player had previously been suspended from another team over violent behavior. Furthering the criticism, a jury found the player, Samuel Ukwuachu, guilty of the Baylor sexual assault Aug. 20, but the university -- with its lower burden of proof -- never took action against the player and was expected to add him to its football team’s defense this season.
Friday's announcement did not say what the investigation found, but said another investigation would soon start. "I am recommending that our Board of Regents retain the services of outside counsel to investigate thoroughly these matters and recommend continued improvements. The board plans to announce its selection of outside counsel early next week," a statement from Starr said.