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Michigan State University mishandled multiple cases of sexual assault and harassment, in violation of federal law, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights said on Tuesday.
Federal investigators found that the university did not promptly investigate student complaints and its policies and procedures did not comply with the federal antidiscrimination law known as Title IX.
"Its failure to address complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence in a prompt and equitable manner caused and may have contributed to a continuation of a sexually hostile environment for numerous students and staff on campus during the years covered by OCR's investigation, 2009 to 2014," the department said in a statement.
The university entered into an agreement with the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights to resolve the findings, without admitting any violation of the law.
The agreement will require, among other things, that the university provide enhanced staff and student trainings, revise its policies and procedures, and conduct surveys to gauge attitudes about sexual assault and harassment on campus.