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The former Rutgers University professor of philosophy found guilty last month of sexually assaulting a disabled man is seeking to throw out her conviction, the Associated Press reported. Anna Stubblefield filed a motion seeking either an acquittal or a new trial based the notion that there was insufficient evidence to prove she knew that her victim could not offer consent. The victim, known as DJ, is a 34-year-old man with cerebral palsy. His family and state evaluators say he has the intellectual capacity of a young child, but Stubblefield said the two fell in love as they worked together using a controversial method called facilitated communication. That collaboration resulted in the 2011 publication of a peer-reviewed article in Disability Studies Quarterly, with DJ listed as the primary author. The issue also features a pro-facilitated communication paper by Stubblefield. The journal recently announced that it’s paying “significant attention” to concerns raised by recent debate over the issue, but did not specify which articles are under review.