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After publishing an anemic preliminary job ads report in November, the American Historical Association released its final annual job ads report Monday. In all, the association’s Career Center ran ads for 529 positions in 2016-17, the “lowest total number of advertisements since Ronald Reagan was president,” according to AHA. Of those, 295 were tenure-track positions, some 222 in history departments. H-Net, an online forum for scholars of the humanities and social sciences, ran an additional 549 ads for positions either in history departments or open to historians. Some 118 H-Net ads were for tenure-track jobs, for a combined total of 340 tenure-track jobs in history (counting AHA's ads).

AHA and H-Net also listed 166 non-tenure-track and visiting positions, adding up to approximately 500 academic jobs in history departments last year. AHA’s report notes major growth in the number of listed non-faculty positions for jobs open to historians, at 136 ads across boards in 2016–17.