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Past and present members of HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory’s editorial board published an open letter Monday expressing “concern for some disturbing news regarding the journal’s leadership.” The letter cited prior reporting from Inside Higher Ed about allegations that the journal’s longtime editor-in-chief, Giovanni Da Col, a research associate in anthropology and sociology at the University of London, harassed and assaulted journal staff members. He’s also been accused of financial misconduct.
“These are serious accusations, which must be thoroughly investigated,” reads the new letter, signed by more than 80 editorial board members. “To the extent that they are verified, those responsible must be called to account.” Signatories expressed support for those affected and called on the journal’s Board of Trustees “to make public, to the extent legally and ethically permissible, the details of previous and current investigations into the allegations, both of bullying and abuse in the workplace and of financial malpractice.” They also called on the trustees to make an “unequivocal statement that responsibilities and lines of management have been clarified, so that should such abuse occur in future, there are adequate safeguards in place to deal with it promptly and appropriately.” The trustees, including Da Col, said last week that they were working to find out what could be disclosed about a prior internal investigation into the allegations.