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Ken Peterson, a professor of music at Dixie State University who was terminated earlier this year for alleged violations of university confidentiality policies, will be reinstated, following a Utah System of Higher Education decision in his favor, the St. George News reported. “The matter has been resolved and I will be returning to my teaching position,” Peterson said in a statement. “I don’t have the words to adequately express my gratitude for the outpouring of support I’ve received from my friends, students, fellow faculty, and the community.”
A university spokesperson said that Dixie State “wholeheartedly supports this decision, and we look forward to working with Peterson again.” University policies and procedures “exist to provide a structured process and ensure fairness to and protection of faculty members throughout appeals,” she added.
Peterson and another professor of music, Glenn Webb, were terminated last semester for allegedly discussing the tenure bid of a colleague in their department. The university accused the two professors of serious violations of university ethics rules. But the professors’ many supporters said termination should be reserved for the most serious of offenses, not gossip. A faculty review board also has recommended that Webb be reinstated, but the state university system has not yet weighed in on his appeal.