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The American Association of University Professors elected a new slate of leaders, it announced Tuesday. Irene Mulvey, professor of mathematics at Fairfield University, is the organization’s new president. Paul Davis, professor emeritus of history and American government at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, is now vice president. Chris Sinclair, associate professor of math at the University of Oregon, is secretary and treasurer.

Mulvey said in a statement that she is grateful to Rudy Fichtenbaum, who is stepping down after eight years as AAUP president, “for his steady and forward-looking leadership.”

Thanks to Fichtenbaum and the rest of his outgoing leadership team, Mulvey said, “We are prepared for the challenges of the moment. In addition, this particular moment provides us with an opportunity to put forward a progressive vision for the future of higher education. We will seize this opportunity to press for a renewed commitment to higher education as a common good.”