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This month’s episode of The Key, Inside Higher Ed’s news and analysis podcast, examines a new possible new way for adults to enter or advance in the workforce.

Merit America is a nonprofit organization that connects adults to short-term certification programs and to professional coaches to help move them quickly into high-demand jobs like IT support and data analytics. Its co-CEOs, Rebecca Taber Staehelin and Connor Diemand-Yauman, join The Key to talk about their work and how it fits among the community colleges, companies and other entities in the crowded landscape for training working adults.

In a conversation with Doug Lederman, Inside Higher Ed’s editor and The Key host, they discuss their unusual mix of corporate and philanthropic funding, how they think training providers like them should be judged, and how they plan to grow from about 1,500 learners this year to 10,000 and ultimately 100,000.

Listen to this episode of The Key here, and find out more about the podcast here.