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Some students at the University of Montana are calling on Clayton Looney, Poe Family Distinguished Faculty Fellow in management information systems, to resign over racial slurs he reportedly used in private messages to his ex-wife, who is Black, which were then posted to Facebook. The Daily Montanan previously reported that a student saw and reported to the university messages by Looney that included the N-word, comments about Muslims wearing “towel wraps,” and a statement about a child not growing up to be “too Black … like those Ethiopians.” The university also gained access to a video of Looney calling his toddler the N-word, according to the Daily Montanan. Looney, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment, told the news website that he completed a sensitivity training, which “helped me move closer to my full potential as a human being and has put an end to the subject.” KPAX reported that the Associated Students of the University of Montana last week approved, 19 to 1, a resolution that called for Looney’s resignation. The university did not immediately respond to a request for comment.