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Haifan Lin, whom Yale University suspended in January in response to an apparent federal investigation linked to the since-ended China Initiative, is now allowed back on campus. Abraham Rein, one of Lin’s lawyers, said that representatives of the U.S. Department of Justice notified him via telephone that they had discontinued the investigation into Lin and had so informed the National Institutes of Health. The Justice Department, which did not respond to a request for comment, never charged Lin with anything.
Yale—which previously told professors alarmed by Lin’s suspension that the NIH “provided credible information that we must investigate”—said Thursday that Lin resumed meeting with students and trainees last week. He returned to his lab from administrative leave this week.
“In the rare situation in which a faculty is placed on administrative leave, the circumstance is specific to the case and it is only done with very careful consideration,” Karen Peart, university spokesperson, said via email. “Yale is glad to have been informed that the Department of Justice has discontinued its investigation of Professor Lin.” Lin is the Eugene Higgins Professor of Cell Biology and professor of genetics and dermatology at Yale.