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Judy Sakaki’s husband, Patrick McCallum, defied orders to stay off the Sonoma State University campus, according to new details that have emerged in the aftermath off her resignation as president.
Sakaki resigned amid a sexual harassment scandal that involved her husband making inappropriate comments to employees. A former chancellor who filed a complaint about the harassment was reportedly the target of retaliation by Sakaki, prompting a $600,000 payout.
Now new details reported by The Press Democrat, a local newspaper, show that McCallum was told in November 2021 that he “was not allowed on campus premises due to previous complaints received,” according to a letter from a California State University system administrator. McCallum, however, defied those orders, apparently visiting campus in February.
The letter also cited other restrictions related to McCallum’s presence at events.
“The Board of Trustees agree that Mr. McCallum can escort you to fund raising events, if the event is not held at the campus and if the event is held at your home, no students, faculty, or staff may be present and are to use an outside catering company to cater the event,” read the March 30 letter to Sakaki from Evelyn Nazario, vice chancellor for human resources for the CSU system.
Sakaki resigned Monday amid the controversy, following a no-confidence vote in May. She will remain president through July. The Press Democrat reports Sakaki will move into a yearlong administrative role with a $254,438 salary before transitioning to a faculty post in the CSU system.
Sakaki and McCallum have separated since the scandal broke.