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War on Christmas: The Prequel

Early campaigns to abolish the holiday form a largely forgotten chapter in American history, writes Scott McLemee.

High and Long-Term Stakes

What may be hanging in the balance of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on Fisher is the ability of colleges to ensure a racially diverse student body and, just as critically, to build a diverse faculty, argue Peter McDonough and Lorelle L. Espinosa.

Who Must Protect Students?

At a time of renewed national discussion about gun control and violence on campuses, a key legal case raises crucial questions about who is responsible for safeguarding students from each other, writes Christine Helwick.

What the Fisher Conversation Should Really Be About

As the Supreme Court begins to hear arguments about the right of colleges to consider race in admissions, it will be important for institutions to show the value of the holistic review process, argues Terri Taylor.

On Student Academic Freedom

Student movements offer countless opportunities for students -- as well as their teachers -- to learn, writes Henry Reichman.

Our Research Agenda

U of All People joins the legions of universities striving, against the odds, to focus more heavily on research. David Galef "reports."

Confronting Controversy

Colleges should nurture thoughtful debate on their campuses by establishing a designated physical space for planned discussions, led by students, about controversial topics, writes Zachary R. Wood.

'Mad Men' Unzipped

A new academic book on the AMC series is a good conversation starter about the condition of "being a fan" in the everyday, typical sense, writes Scott McLemee.