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The End of the University?

Predictions of the collapse of higher education amid financial and technological tumult fail to account for our desire to be with, you know, actual people, writes Louis Betty.

Accreditation in a Rapidly Changing World

Regional accreditors must respond to the rise of competency-based education or risk becoming less relevant, writes Paul LeBlanc.

Spandex Studies

A monograph on superhero comics and nationalism puts Captain America in a geopolitical context. Scott McLemee reports from his fortress of solitude.

Class Size Matters

Clear evidence shows an impact on teaching methods and the learning experience, write Stephen L. Benton and William H. Pallett.

We Need More Than STEM

President Obama and other politicians shouldn't embrace science and technology by neglecting history and other fields, writes Kenneth Pomeranz.

Waiting Online

David Galef takes a peek inside the discussion forum for a massive open online course about a certain play by Samuel Beckett.

Where Are the Learners?

One group seemed largely missing from the digital learners' bill of rights that a group of educators and others released this week, writes Anya Kamenetz: online learners themselves.

Learning From MOOCs

Andrew Ng on what MOOCs and the "Wild West" of higher education are teaching professors.