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Why Not Baseball?

In baseball, a .300 batting average is good. In setting targets for community college completion, as Wick Sloane argues we should, how about that as a goal?

Connecting With Prospective Students

How do you turn potential applicants into engaged and successful students on your campus? Catherine Sloan offers some guidance.

The Mind's Ear

Nietzsche, Sartre, and Roland Barthes kept regular daily appointments with the piano. Scott McLemee listens in.

Dual Career Challenges

Sue V. Rosser considers the particular issues facing women in science.

Grandiosity Run Amok

Lawrence Lokman examined imaging slogans being used in higher education, and he's not impressed with the results.

Diversity’s Evidences

Len Niehoff worked on the legal team that saved affirmative action during the last Supreme Court review of the practice. As a law school teacher, he writes that he finds the arguments even more compelling.

Faculty Fashion

Daniel J. Myers thinks it's time for professors to care a little more about their sartorial style.

Higher Education as a Business

Education is one of the few enterprises that guarantee a positive return -- and as such, argues Mehdi Maghsoodnia, should be the top priority for government spending.