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War Thoughts at Home

A graduate student has discovered a previously unknown poem by Robert Frost. Scott McLemee takes a passing glimpse.

What Spellings Got Right and Wrong

The education secretary and her higher education commission started the right conversation, but missed some key themes, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy writes.

Just Ask the Students

A colleague's question prompts Laurence Musgrove to consider the responsibilities of professors when making assignments.

Advising: Less Is More?

Students need practical help, not deep relationships, write David C. Paris and Timothy E. Elgren.

Regulating the New Consumerism

Colleges can fend off government-mandated homogeneity only by better measuring and publicizing their own performance, John V. Lombardi writes.

A Liberal Dose of Reason

Is Michael Bérubé a profiteer in the culture wars? Scott McLemee looks at his blog and his new books and the author discusses them in a podcast.

An Inappropriate Illness

Mark Grimsley on living and working in academe -- with bipolar disorder.

The Elephant in the Student Aid Office

Higher ed's lobbying groups want to get out in front of Margaret Spellings on need-based aid, but colleges should look inward first, says Donald E. Heller.