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Rising Up Against Rankings

Think it's impossible for educators to fight a popular magazine's irresponsible rating system? Look north, and you'll see it can be done, writes Indira Samarasekera.

Beatles vs. Stones

Laurence Musgrove considers the role of music in the writing process.

Libraries at the Cutting Edge

Far from disappearing in the Age of Google, academic and research libraries remain an integral part of students’ college educations, says Pamela Snelson.

College for Whom?

Alan Contreras asks: How should a civilized society ensure that college-able young people are not thrown away because they are poor?

Indies Under Fire

The Borders bookstore chain is "right-sizing." Scott McLemee takes a look at a new documentary about the company's effects on the culture.

Teachers and Teaching

In an excerpt from his posthumously published autobiography, James O. Freedman describes lessons he learned as an undergraduate -- and the professors who inspired him to be an educator.

Tenure Reform: The Time Has Come

Hank Brown describes how and why the University of Colorado has taken on the issue -- and urges other colleges to follow.

The Co-op Model's Relevance Today

Cooperative education is now more than 100 years old. The co-op approach, in which students alternate time in the classroom...