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For Vets, Dorms Meet Domesticity

New Mexico State's veterans-only housing breaks new ground by keeping those students and their families on campus and integrating them into residence life.

Reform at the Top

Russia wants to build a top university, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, from scratch. “Skoltech” enjoys the patronage of politicians and mentorship from MIT, but some fear the “best” is being built at expense of the base.

Spending Money to Make Money

Associate degrees pay off for both students and taxpayers, report finds, but state funding of community colleges still lags.

The Customer Is Always Right?

Many prospective students favor colleges that invest more in nonacademic functions (including athletics and dormitories) over institutions that focus their spending on academics, study finds.

How Much Admission Misreporting?

Bucknell becomes fifth college in a year to admit it gave out false data. Experts see recent scandals pointing to broader problems related to rankings and reputations.

More False SAT Averages

Bucknell misreported scores -- internally and externally -- from 2006-12. University becomes fifth in a year to have announced such falsehoods.

Not Getting What You Paid For

Study questions the relationship between how much colleges spend on education, and the quality of education that they provide.

Evolution or Mission Creep?

Michigan is the latest state to allow community colleges to issue bachelor's degrees. But despite controversy and turf wars, actual practice remains limited, for now.