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Graduate Professionalization in the Age of Student Debt

The often unmanageable debt many Ph.D.s accrue necessitates a candid discussion of grad students' finances, training and potential career paths within and outside academe, writes Jennifer Torkelson.

Scholars on Strike

Academics across the U.S. strike and teach for racial justice and an end to police violence against people of color.

Signed, Sick in Iowa

University of Iowa students and faculty members stage “sickout” to protest campus reopening plan.

Community College Shuts Off Remote Work

Most classes are still remote at Hagerstown Community College, but staff and faculty have had VPN access revoked and must now return to campus to work.


Professors are planning a work stoppage and virtual, public teach-in on police violence and racism next month.

Intellectual Property ‘Grab’

Youngstown State faculty members say university is trying to seize all rights to their intellectual property.

Not Expendable

New AAUP statement urges institutions to treat their adjuncts as essential team members during the pandemic -- and after.

A ‘Safety Strike’

Three days after returning to campus, employees at City Colleges of Chicago said the colleges are not following their planned COVID-19 spread-prevention protocols. Worried for their safety, the union is threatening to strike.