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Learning From Online

Can learning how to teach online make professors better teachers in the classroom?

Choose Your Own Freshman Comp

City College of New York ditches general writing courses for weightier discipline-specific writing courses team taught by upper-level professors and writing instructors.

Getting Out of Grading

Duke's Cathy Davidson, calling the current process "meaningless" and "superficial," decides to turn evaluations over to her students.

Code Warrior

A San Jose State University student posted his homework online, hoping to show off his code writing skills. When his prof balked, the student fought and San Jose backed him.

Blackboard Buys Angel

Purchase of rival that was making inroads in course management systems shakes up the market. Can the industry leader learn from the up-and-comer?

Style: MLA, Updated.

With implications for how undergraduates write, and cite, Modern Language Association releases revised handbook for preparing research papers.

The Information Super-Library

California community college plans certificate curriculum combining traditional Great Books approach with electronic delivery.

Catholic U. Pushes Homer; Faculty Say D'oh!

Catholic University of America may soon have a new freshman curriculum, which some critics say amounts to a new commandment...