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Inside a Search Committee

Study of what one panel’s members wanted in biomedical sciences may offer insights into how candidates at other universities are assessed.

Political Science Jobs Down

Political science association’s annual jobs report shows big year-over-year dip.

Debating the Value of Full-Time Professors

The ABA wants to end a rule that assures law schools have the majority of courses taught by full-timers. While some say this would minimize costs, others see an erosion of quality.

Long-Term Contracts for 1,500 Adjuncts

CUNY’s faculty union is starting to see returns on a major push of six-year contract battle: three-year appointments for long-serving adjuncts.

Student-Evaluated Out of Tenure

American U scholar says provost cherry-picked negative student ratings of her teaching to deny her a promotion

Case Against Tenure

Federal appeals court revives professor’s case against Texas Tech, which he says retaliated against him over his anti-tenure views.

Assistant Professors Have Rights, Too

New York judge says Yeshiva University, based on its own policies, can't terminate tenure-track professors for financial reasons.

Model for Success

New paper proposes framework for supporting the needs of pretenure faculty members, namely making sure they're poised to find intrinsic motivation.