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Tweeting Your Way to Tenure

American Sociological Association report suggests standards by which departments may consider social media activity and other public communications in tenure and promotion decisions.

Going Hungry for Tenure

Lafayette professor goes on a hunger strike to protest what he sees as irregularities and injustices in his failed tenure bid. He is the latest minority professor to raise questions about fairness of teaching evaluations.

Unintended Help for Male Professors

Colleges adopted policies to stop the tenure clock to help professors who are new parents, especially mothers. Study suggests fathers may be the real beneficiaries.

Shrinking Job Security

After the State College of Florida replaced a tenure-like system with three-year contracts for all new faculty members, some complained. So the board shifted to one-year contracts.

Diversity as a Tenure Requirement

Pomona changes criteria for evaluating teaching to include whether professors are "attentive to diversity in the student body."

Tenure Denied

At Dartmouth, an Asian-American professor receives unanimous English department backing and is rejected at higher levels. The same happened to a black historian at the college. Many see a disturbing pattern.

No More 'Job for Life'

System president's email criticizing tenure expectations and comparing professors to railroad brakemen adds to faculty frustration in Wisconsin. But the governor likes the email.

Shedding Faculty at Saint Rose

AAUP condemns College of Saint Rose for shedding more than 20 tenure-line faculty jobs with what it calls insufficient faculty input.