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A photo illustration including a photograph of William Inboden on the left and one of the University of Florida Century Tower on the right.

The Curious Rise of a Conservative—or Civic-Minded?—Center at the University of Florida

GOP lawmakers, governors or boards in eight states have mandated new university centers focused on civics and “classical liberal education.” Critics call them beachheads for the ideological right. Florida’s creation appears to be the largest yet.

Charges Against Northwestern University Staff Dropped

Prosecutors in Cook County, Ill., have dropped misdemeanor charges against four Northwestern University staff accused of obstructing law enforcement during...

Kansas Chemist Gets Final Acquittal in China Ties Case

Five years after arrest in Trump administration crackdown, Chinese-born Franklin Feng Tao gets vindication—and wants his job back

The book cover for "The Academic Trumpists: Radicals Against Liberal Diversity," authored by David L. Swartz, with Nicholas Rodelo.

The Academic Trumpists, Part 1

Scott McLemee reviews David L. Swartz’s study of the academics who support Donald Trump.

Tenure Denial Lawsuit Against New College Moves Forward

A circuit court judge has rejected requests by the New College of Florida Board of Trustees and the State University...

UC Board Bans Political Statements From Department Homepages

After months of delaying a planned vote on the issue, the University of California’s Board of Regents voted 13 to...

AFT Launches Push for Academic Freedom, Job Security, College Access

The American Federation of Teachers, of which the American Association of University Professors is an affiliate, is launching a $1...

Instructor Leaves Bellarmine After Post, Allegedly About Trump

An instructor is no longer employed at Bellarmine University after posting on Instagram, “if you’re gonna shoot, man, don’t miss,”...