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Access Gaps in Developing Countries

As higher education expands, enrollment of female and low-income students may not grow much at all.

England Seeks to Measure Learning

More than 70 institutions are testing different measures of student learning amid new government effort to evaluate universities on teaching quality.

Dutch Debate Growth of Instruction in English

Sixty percent of courses at universities in the Netherlands are now taught in English. In master's programs, the figure is 70 percent.

Uninvited for Being Israeli

NYU professor who was invited to show his acclaimed film at Syracuse U conference is then told not to come because of his nationality. University vows to invite him another time.

Detained in Turkey

A foreign academic briefly detained in Turkey and fired from his university for alleged links to coup-plotters tells his story.

American U of Afghanistan Attacked

Thirteen people reported killed in attack by gunmen that came weeks after two foreign professors were kidnapped. Seven students among the dead, as is instructor who studied in U.S.

The Next Tuition Battle in South Africa

Institutions say they need the revenue, but protests are likely if any increases go forward.

Retreat From Saudi Arabia

Ontario college cites financial reasons in withdrawing from its male-only campus in Saudi Arabia, but others, citing human rights grounds, question the original decision to be there.