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English Language Strategy in Belgium

Two Belgian universities join forces to offer unusual undergraduate program for internationally minded students.

Creativity (or Lack Thereof) at Chinese Universities

New study finds that Chinese students at top-ranked institutions are less creative than those at less prestigious institutions.

Constraints on Chinese Campuses

U.S. Government Accountability Office examines American universities’ policies and practices on academic and other freedoms for their educational programs in China.

The International Bubble

American colleges and universities can't count on ever-increasing numbers of international students, panelists warn.

Information for Potential Foreign Students

Admissions group calls on colleges to require recruiting agents to disclose their financial ties to those they are seeking to recruit.

The Right to Work

Dispute at Cornell University centers on a program allowing international students to work.

When 37 International Students Sue

Thirty-seven Nigerian students sue Alabama State University over scholarship funds.

Access Gaps in Developing Countries

As higher education expands, enrollment of female and low-income students may not grow much at all.