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Online, Cheap -- and Elite

Analysis of Georgia Tech’s MOOC-inspired online master's in computer science suggests that institutions can successfully deliver high-quality, low-cost degrees to students at scale. But will other colleges follow?

Forging New Territory Online

Eloy Ortiz Oakley says California’s online community college will be a better public alternative to for-profit colleges for the “stranded workers” traditional college systems struggle to serve.

Does Online Reinforce the Color Line?

Online education is an engine of racial inequality, argue Christopher Newfield and Cameron Sublett, and no good higher ed policy can be created ignoring that fact.

Udacity U-Turns on Money-Back Guarantee

Online education provider Udacity quietly drops money-back pledge for those who can't find a job after finishing their studies.

This Week in Digital Learning News: Confusion Over Federal Rules, Ashford's Changes

Among this week's digital learning headlines in Inside Higher Ed: Colleges are struggling to figure out how to comply with...

Overcoming Faculty Resistance -- or Not

Some instructors refuse to teach online. Experts weigh in on whether that's OK and how institutions might respond.
The logo of Ashford University, in tones of purple and yellow.

Ashford Seeks to Become a Nonprofit

Ashford University is the latest big for-profit bidding to become nonprofit. The university's owner, Bridgepoint Education, will seek to become an online program management company.

Listen and Learn: A Guide to Digital Learning Podcasts

If you’re looking to fill your commute with practical ideas you can use at work, these podcasts will help.