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Differentiation vs. Discrimination
The U.S. Education Department is applying its state authorization regulation differently to nonprofit and for-profit colleges, in ways that some experts believe is unfair and possibly illegal.

No Aid, No Problem
UniversityNow signs up more than 1,000 students for low-cost, competency-based degree programs without the lure of federal financial aid.
Course-Size Accreditation
Talk of a new accreditor for emerging course providers or even individual courses heats up, as experts describe how the idea might take shape.
Helpful or a Hindrance?
Georgia Tech official describes Udacity partnership on Capitol Hill, provoking back-and-forth about whether accreditation encourages or deters innovation.
Agree to Disagree
Gainful employment rewrite kicks off with rule-making session, but consensus appears unlikely as negotiators are far apart on day one.

Profit and Higher Ed
A new book of essays looks at the role for-profit providers can play in higher education, particularly how they could help promote quality and cost effectiveness.

What Happened to Ivy Bridge?
Amid news of a federal investigation, previously unreleased documents offer glimpse into accreditor's scrutiny of an online partnership between a for-profit company and a nonprofit university.
Bus Tour Hints
This week President Obama will unveil plan to make college affordable, promising tough love for some in higher education "business." But will his proposals go anywhere?
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