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What Happened to Ivy Bridge?

Amid news of a federal investigation, previously unreleased documents offer glimpse into accreditor's scrutiny of an online partnership between a for-profit company and a nonprofit university.

Bus Tour Hints

This week President Obama will unveil plan to make college affordable, promising tough love for some in higher education "business." But will his proposals go anywhere?

Game Changer for CCSF?

City College of San Francisco's accreditor is in trouble with the Education Department, which sent bombshell letter that could affect college's fate.

Competency-Based Transcripts

Northern Arizona University rolls out competency-based degrees, which will come with a new form of transcripts.

Setting Limits for Outsourcing Online

Accreditor shuts down Ivy Bridge College, raising questions about where to draw the line in online partnerships between colleges and technology companies.

If at First You Don't Succeed

Ashford University earns approval from the Western accreditor on its second try, after making a wide range of changes, some of them painful.

Appeal or Bust

City College of San Francisco's best hope of staying open is probably to appeal the death sentence from its accreditor, and the college may have longer than people realize to win a reprieve.

Mammoth 2-Year College to Lose Accreditation

City College of San Francisco would be largest institution ever to lose recognition. Appeal and state intervention are likely.