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Photo illustration of an empty desk and Help Wanted sign

HBCUs Without Presidents

At least 18 four-year HBCUs lack permanent leaders. Experts say presidential turnover harms relationships with donors and alumni and undermines continuity.

Photos of George Hanbury and Dr. Harry Moon, who are both light-skinned men with white hair

A Corporate-Style Presidential Succession Plan

Nova Southeastern’s next president, who will begin in 2025, was chosen via a process that avoids some potential pitfalls of traditional higher ed leadership transitions.

Suspended President Denounces Board Chair

Weeks after he was placed on administrative leave for unclear reasons, Northeast Iowa Community College president Herbert Riedel has accused...
Photos of Columbia, Harvard, and Penn campuses

What Do Universities Owe Their Donors?

Some megadonors are outraged over institutions’ responses to the Israel-Hamas war. But experts say big checks shouldn’t buy influence over university leaders.

An empty conference room table.

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Board

The ignorance-to-arrogance continuum, the bright shiny object syndrome and more: David P. Haney identifies five dysfunctions common to small private college boards.

A photo illustration of Ron DeSantis and the Florida Poly campus

DeSantis Appoints DEI Critics to Florida University’s Board

Florida’s governor appoints five conservative trustees to the Florida Polytechnic board, a move some critics see as the start of a takeover.

Board Fight at Michigan State Draws Governor’s Attention

Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan weighed in Monday on a dispute roiling Michigan State University’s Board of Trustees, in which...
Photo illustration from a lawsuit filed by Birmingham-Southern College

Birmingham-Southern College Denied State Loan

Alabama rebuffed the private college’s request for a loan from a program seemingly made for it. Now the college is suing the state to fend off a possible closure.