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New Presidents or Provosts: Barton College, California State U. System, Drake U., Herkimer County C.C., Ithaca College, Moorpark College, State U. of New York-Cobleskill, U. of Ulster, U. of Windsor

Loren J. Blanchard, provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at Xavier University of Louisiana, has been appointed executive...

Emerging Path to Federal Aid

Senate Republicans echo the Obama administration by proposing alternative pathways to accreditation and, possibly, federal aid for noninstitutional providers like Udacity, General Assembly and edX.

When a Majority Isn't a Majority

Accreditors grapple with governing board independence at a new private nonprofit system.

Does Faculty Diversity Need Targets?

Brown U. says it will double underrepresented minority faculty ranks in 10 years. What's its strategy? Why do some institutions favor -- and some avoid -- specific goals?

Change and Protest

Faculty and staff at Massachusetts's Roxbury Community College protest alleged lack of communication and changes pushed by the institution's president and her administration.

Taking on Vandy's Priorities

An anonymous letter allegedly written by faculty members at Vanderbilt U. is circulating, detailing concerns about the leadership of the chancellor.

Punishment, Post-Oklahoma

College leaders have gotten speedier and more severe in taking action against students linked to racist incidents. Critics fear due process is being eroded.

Will Ratings Displace Accreditation?

The Obama administration’s proposed system could substitute federal officials’ judgment of institutional quality for peer review by academics, Judith Eaton argues.