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New and Returning Governors and Higher Ed

What the winning candidates promised for colleges and students.

Does Performance Funding Work?

Does performance funding for higher education actually work? According to the authors of a new book on the topic, the answer is both yes and no.

States Fund More Student Aid

Grant aid grew by 5.7 percent and nongrant aid grew by more than 7 percent in 2014-15 fiscal year.

Louisville Board Overhaul Blocked

Kentucky's governor improperly served as "judge, jury and executioner" in abolishing University of Louisville's Board of Trustees, a state court finds.

Smarter State Spending

State dollars for public higher education would go farther, prominent researchers argue, if more of it went to open-access colleges and need-based aid.

Taking a Backseat

North Carolina has no shortage of higher education issues, but its gubernatorial candidates haven't been talking about them -- reflecting races across the country.

Consolidating for Success

Will merger with Georgia State U, a completion rate success story, boost the rock-bottom graduation rates of two-year Georgia Perimeter College?

More Drama for Ashford

Ashford University cries foul on veterans' agency and California for meddling in Iowa's decision to yank the for-profit's GI Bill eligibility, and newly released emails show an Iowa official shared that view.