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Taxing International Student Tuition

In Washington state, legislators propose a 20 percent surcharge on international student tuition. The universities worry that students will stop coming.

Wrong Solutions on Loans

Yes, student loan debt is a major problem, but the proposals offered by both President Obama and Senate Republicans won't solve it, writes Aaron Smith.

Interests Diverge on Interest Rates

When President Obama's budget proposal emerges today, it is expected to include a proposal for a market-based student loan interest rate, putting him at odds with student advocates who were former allies.

Two Pell Grants?

A new report on rethinking financial aid calls for splitting the main federal need-based-aid program in two, with one grant for adult students and another for traditional-age students.

Self-Fulfilling Professorial Politics

Author discusses analysis that may frustrate some on the left and on the right in his new book Why Are Professors Liberal and Why Do Conservatives Care?

Confusion on College Costs

A focus group study of financial aid award letters suggests students and parents want clear information, but haven't found it in existing recommendations for financial aid disclosures.

State Budgeters' View of Higher Ed

Report on the fiscal environment for public higher education sees the status quo as unsustainable and urges greater collaboration between college leaders and state policy makers.

Fund-Raising the Bar

Vanderbilt has seen average student debt decline due to “singular focus” on fund raising for need-based financial aid, a potential model for other universities. Hopkins has taken similar approach.