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Access Woes Persist for Students of Lesser Means

Minority students, and those who come from lower socioeconomic status, struggle to enroll in college and graduate, federal data show.

When Faculty Lines Pay for Themselves

Facing a budget cut and clogged general education courses, Stephen F. Austin optimized its course schedule to add faculty lines that paid for themselves, and then some.

Lies, Damned Lies and Rankings

Temple reveals that scandal over false information submitted for rankings of its online M.B.A. was much broader than earlier known. Dean, found to have dismantled system for checking accuracy of data, is ousted.

It's Time to Talk Sustainability

It's better for historically black colleges and universities to consider merging than to close in disgrace, argues Harry L. Williams.

Grand Canyon Succeeds in Second Nonprofit Bid

Grand Canyon, a large, thriving Christian for-profit, will divide in two, with new nonprofit university giving for-profit company 60 percent of tuition in exchange for a broad range of support services.

From Community College to a Selective University

Many community college students with high grade point averages aren't transferring to four-year institutions, new research finds, a fact some of the nation's most selective universities want to change.

First-Generation College Students More Engaged Than Peers

New survey data challenge perceptions about first-generation college students, showing strong academic engagement and commitment to college. But the group lagged behind their peers in social comfort and resiliency.

Senate Jump-Starts Process for New Career-Education Law

Bipartisan agreement to reauthorize Perkins Career and Technical Education law would give more authority to states to determine progress of federal skills training program.