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A University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee working group has released its final recommendations for the future of its two-year branch campus in Washington County.

The UW Milwaukee Work Group recommends that UWM Washington County be further integrated into UW Milwaukee, with shared course offerings and admissions services, The Washington County Daily News reported. The recommendation counters the position of the Washington County Executive’s Task Force, which recommended the liberal arts branch campus be merged with Moraine Park Technical College to form a “pilot community college.”

The work group, which opposed a full merger with Moraine Park and instead favored more collaboration, recommends an integration be phased in over the next several years, according to its report. 

Local government leaders in Washington County and UW Milwaukee faculty members have been at odds for months over plans for the future of the county’s two-year college.

According to the work group’s report, the integration of the two colleges would entail: developing a “common course catalog” between UWM and UWM WC, fully integrating branch campus faculty into “UWM’s existing departments,” and admitting UWM WC students into the same “undergraduate pool as students on the main campus.”