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Keeping Up With Competency

With 600 institutions at least in the design phase for a competency-based credential, college officials will meet this month to talk about how to build a program -- and how to ensure its academic quality.

Call for Help

Outsourced counseling designed as an employee benefit helps low-income students succeed in college, the Dell Scholars Program finds, and colleges may be following suit.

Learning to Adapt

Newark's Essex County College tried adaptive learning software to improve remedial math success rates. It hasn't worked, as students and faculty have struggled with the "self-regulated" approach to learning.

Defining College

Amid talk of higher education's possible disruption and unbundling, the Association of American Colleges & Universities stakes out an aggressive middle ground. Are people listening?

Search for Success

As one student success program at the University of Texas at Austin thrives, officials at partner institutions in the University Innovation Alliance examine what might work best on their own campuses.

Big Completion Goals in Texas

Texas joins the college completion agenda with new goal for 60 percent of its young adults to have college degrees or certificates by 2030.

Access Broadens, Dropouts Soar

Since Australian universities won the right to enroll any students they deemed qualified, the proportion of students failing out has spiked, especially from online programs.

Caution and Competency

Senators seek guidance on how to encourage innovation without opening aid floodgates to "bad actors," and a group of 17 institutions with competency-based programs calls for a careful approach by policy makers.