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The 'Murky Middle'

Students who end first year with G.P.A. between 2.0 and 3.0 have been neglected by academic support programs, says research based on data from 60 institutions. Is this where colleges can have the biggest impact on retention?

Tugged in Two Directions

Competency-based education is hot, which keeps accreditors busy trying to ensure quality control without stifling innovation.

Credential Creep Confirmed

Many employers are seeking workers with B.A.s even for jobs that haven't historically required the degree. That may be good news for colleges -- but warning signs are on the horizon.

Advising Freshmen, Empowering Faculty

It's hard to offer meaningful advising to new students before they arrive on campus. But Sewanee says it can be done, with professors making key decisions.

Aggressive Pragmatism

Tennessee's Republican governor, Bill Haslam, is big on accountability in higher education -- and he backs it up with state funding. He also staked his legacy to making community college tuition-free.

Workshops Work

Students fare better by skipping remediation and instead taking statistics with an additional workshop, new CUNY study finds, fueling state remedial reforms.

The National College Degree

The Education Department's new Online Skills Academy could be the first step to an alternative degree pathway, Paul LeBlanc writes, one that is nationally offered, low-cost and competency-based.

The Opposite of Helicopter Parents

Professors complain about hovering moms and dads, but many educators find that this isn't an issue for first-generation students, who need more parental involvement.