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Ready to Feel Old?

Beloit releases annual "mindset list" showing how many experiences divide the new freshman class and those who will be teaching them.

Double Standard on the Wane

Study finds college students increasingly apply the same judgments (or no judgment at all) to males and females who enjoy sexual hook-ups.

Health Care Costs Climb

Rate of growth in campus spending on health benefits slowed a bit in 2012, and more campuses offered consumer-driven plans and wellness programs, annual survey shows.

Discussing 'The College Advantage'

In interview, Anthony Carnevale and Lumina Foundation's Jamie Merisotis assess the value of college degree, the emergence of new credentials, and whether rebounding male enrollments will last.

Fostering College Success

CSU-San Marcos starts reaching out to foster youth in high school and continues giving personalized support at the institutional level.

Texas Gets an Incomplete

The Gates Foundation gives Texas community colleges the boot in Completion by Design project. State officials are surprised and disappointed by the decision, but vow to continue work.

Discounts at For-Profits?

Strayer offers big new scholarships, with tuition savings of as much as 30 percent. Will for-profits begin discounting tuition to cope with declining enrollment and federal scrutiny?

NCAA Misstep on Penn State

The association's penalties did nothing for the victims and largely spared the perpetrators, writes Robert King. So why did it get involved, and what are the implications for the future?