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Students participate in a Career Ready Bootcamp project at RIT

Creating Career Pathways for Neurodiverse Students

Community colleges are increasing the number and scale of programs designed for these students and are becoming the training pipelines that connect them to employers.

Entrance and signage to the campus of California State University, Fullerton, located in Fullerton, Calif.

Study: First-Year Experience Courses Tied to Higher Retention, GPA

New research from California State University, Fullerton, found students who participated in a first-year experience course were more likely to persist to their second year and achieved higher grades, on average.

Young woman sitting at desk using laptop, in student dormitory

Basic Needs Funding Aids Student Retention, Persistence

A new report from the Center for Higher Education Policy and Practice finds students who received emergency pandemic grant funding were more likely to remain enrolled, compared to their peers.

A group of Spelman, Morehouse and Clark Atlanta students stand in the back seat of a car waving, wearing formal suits, dresses and sashes for homecoming.

An Unneighborly Dispute About Spelman-Morehouse Title IX Complaints

A lawsuit and persistent allegations of mishandled sexual assault complaints by Spelman women against Morehouse men raise troubling questions about the close bond between the colleges.

A photo of a student rally at nighttime, with multiple Palestinian flags flying.

The Endangered Right to Assemble on Campus

Suppressing pro-Palestinian protests does a disservice to the future of American politics, Tabatha Abu El-Haj writes.

Aerial view of Wichita State University during summer break.

Success Program Launch: A Minor for Student Org Leaders

As of this fall, student government or organization participants at Wichita State University can work toward a minor in student organization leadership, credentialing their learned experiences.

Man in suit stands in front of a painted city skyline

Painting a Picture of More Student-Centric Career Services

Better serving students in career preparation requires a strong understanding of what’s working and what isn’t, plus creative ideas for making career-focused events enticing and boosting utilization of available supports. Cross-campus discussion of three key questions can help.

Smiling teacher standing in front of students and showing something on whiteboard in classroom.

Program Innovation: Uniting Transfer Students in Class

A staff member at Stockton University developed a transfer-only general studies course, creating a space for engagement and camaraderie between transfer students with proven outcomes on retention and graduation.